Tuesday, July 2, 2019

22. Growing in Prayer – The Learning Tree - (2) Pathway to God’s Glory

11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled [before others], and he who habitually humbles himself (keeps a realistic self-view) will be exalted.”  --Luke 14:11

We continue with the Pathway to God’s Glory that we began last week.  As mentioned, this Blog is a result of Doyle’s writings on this subject. 

“Jesus gives us His holiness and humility.  Receiving Jesus we begin our walk to sanctification.  Jesus growing in us we grow in the desire and thirst to live as He lived.  He suffered and died on the Cross and was glorified.  [He completed His work--John 17:14][1]  We are called to Jesus’ Holiness.  Can we surrender in humility our own worldly passions to be holy as He is holy?  This faith, choice, action [faith moved to action} is the humility that we are called setting us apart from the world.  We are to God the very fragrance of love as we strive to His holiness.  We are imperfect beings here on this earth and the only way we will achieve this Holiness is in and through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Would it not be incredible if God’s living saints could master the humbleness of Christ as they grow in sanctification?  We, the Church, could put on the beautiful garments and humility of God and this will be seen in her teachers and members as the beauty of holiness. The Lamb of God means two things—meekness (humble) and death (to self). Andrew Murray says:  “Let us seek to receive Him in both forms. In Him, they are inseparable; they must be in us also”. [2]

“We cannot live the life Jesus lived without the power of the Holy Spirit. What a hopeless task if we had to do the work!  We are imperfect, sinners in a World of sinners.  Even God’s grace cannot overcome our free choice.  We are helpless to self without the love of Jesus.  “The death of Jesus, once and forever, is our death to self. And the ascension of Jesus, His entering once and forever into the Holiest has given us the Holy Spirit to communicate to us in power, and makes the power of the death life our very own. As the soul, in the pursuit and practice of humility, follows in the steps of Jesus, its consciousness of the need of something more is awakened”.[3]  We grow in sanctification and in that growth we receive the fullness of the Spirit of Jesus.  In that fullness and total submission of self “we make humility the all-pervading spirit of our life.[4]   Say to the Father as Jesus said, “nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done”.[5]  In our humility we will see the magnificent, radiance, His visible splendor, His Glory!  Without humility and the submission of self to the resurrected Christ we are nothing.  By our faith, believing to action the life, death and resurrected Jesus we have no hope of the life promised on earth and in heaven.   We commit our spirit with Christ into the Father’s hands and enter His perfect peace.  We submit to that perfect, helpless dependence upon God.”
“Would you please join in repeating this prayer with me?”

“Father we ask that you stop all the former workings of our hearts and mind.  Give us all the strength in our hearts, to continually stand in the humility of Jesus.   Help us always be inwardly longing and earnestly praying this one prayer to You Oh, God.  That of Your great goodness You would make known to us, and take from our hearts, every kind, form, and degree of pride whether it be from evil spirits, or our own corrupt nature.  That You will awaken in us the deepest depth and truth of that humility which can make us capable of Your radiant splendor . . . . Your glory.   Let us reject every thought, but that of waiting and praying in this matter from the bottom of our hearts, with truth and earnestness.   We ask in the Holy, magnificent Name of Jesus.  Amen”

[1] All brackets are inserted for clarification
[2] Andrew Murray’s book “Humility”
[3] Andrew Murray’s book “Humility”
[4] Andrew Murray’s book “Humility”
[5] Luke 22:41