Sunday, March 29, 2020

28. Growing Prayer – The Learning Tree – What is Fear?

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I have been thinking.  When I would say that when I was young to my husband, Doyle, he would cringe with a groan!  But I really have been thinking.  We have been locked in and now confined almost week within our apartments in Assisted Living.  Now we don’t know how folks are doing but thank our Lord we are safe from the wicked Coronavirus that is going around.  I give credit to our Lord for protecting us and the good souls that follow the rules .

Our President has spent his waking hours trying to protect us using the counsel of brilliant experts to guide him.  He has gathered together the most brilliant minds around him to move in protection for this Nation.

The Communist Government in China that out and out lied about the danger of this Coronavirus to the Nations.  They sure do not take the scripture seriously about the importance of the individual persona (Matthew 10:29-31).  Shame on them….(Romans12:19).

I guess that is why I have set mind on thinking.  Now, I am not judging and I use the words of my Daddy’s sister just older than him, Aunt Vera, “Now I am not judging, but sizing them up”.  In those words I am speaking truth and reality.  In my “sizing up. . .reality”, I wonder about the folks in flight with fear.  They sure don’t realize the truth of God’s Word, “Do Not be anxious about anything . . . the peace of God (the love of Christ which passeth knowledge) will guard your hearts and minds”.  I am speaking mostly of the leading City in Caronavirus, New York City.  They filled with fear scattered to Florida and other states to escape the virus and they infected innocent folks.  Shame on them for their selfishness.  I say here is God’s Word, Matthew 10:29-31.

Just think if those New Yorkers had stayed put, Florida might not see this rapid increase and the Florida Governor would not be so miffed.  How dare the New Yorkers that are “irked” because they are “unwelcome in some states”. . . . I would surmise that is selfish, selfish, selfish.  Stay  put in your homes (apartments) and live this Scripture, Philippians 4:6-7 bow your knees in prayer and petition with thanksgiving and the  peace of God will guard your hearts and minds.  We need to remember Franklin D. Roosevelt words in his first inauguration in 1933, “my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself”.

We believe in the infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  We believe in the Power of Pray releases God’s promises (Mark 11:24).  If all souls, especially those who live in fear would rest in our Lord, bend their knees in prayer and believe He is with us and protect us from all the evil that brought this virus to us and even free us from being swamped with this Coronavirus.

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